High Quality Surgical Care

Canine TPLO Surgery

Dr. Antonio Pedraza

Our Service Area


Enhanced experience to provide comfort and clarity to our clients and pet patients.

  • We offer all-inclusive pricing for our procedures. This includes the examination, the procedure, radiographs (pre and post operative), anesthesia, medications, and bandages.

    The final price is determined by: the severity of the injury and the weight of the patient.

  • Our specialist provides the best pain management protocol to ensure the comfort of your pet before, during and after surgery. Epidurals are given for all hind limb orthopedic procedures to numb the hind limbs for up to 48 hours. Nocita, a new pain block drug, is provided for each procedure that lasts 72 hours and is inserted around the surgical site.

  • Client communication is important during stressful times. Receive support during our business hours by email and phone to address any questions or concerns.

  • To ensure the surgery is healing properly and to assess the rehabilitation process.

  • Post-operative rechecks are included if there are any concerns. Suture removal 2 weeks after the procedure is also included.

  • Printed detailed instructions week by week will be provided at discharge. These instructions are created by our specialist and provide much needed direction during the rehabilitation process.

  • Dr. Pedraza has been performing TPLO procedures for over 15 years. His specialty skills has taken him from Europe and to now in Los Angeles. Dr. Pedraza performs these type of procedures at an average of five patients per week.

  • Our surgical team has adapted the latest practices for anesthesia monitoring. We offer the best equipment on the market to ensure every pet has the top care available.

What We Offer

  • Patients In Need Come First

    Our team offers flexibility in scheduling that most referral facilities cannot. Many referrals are backed up due to high demand. Our team is dedicated to providing emergency care as soon as possible. We are dedicated to helping any patient in need within days of initial contact.

  • Finances Matter

    In terms of cost, our team has provided emergency facility services for a much affordable cost. Our goal is to provide surgical care to our clients with transparency on cost. The unknown of the finances adds to the stress of having an injured pet, and we want to make this process smooth as possible.

  • Preperation

    Our team is prepared for any type of surgical concerns owners have with their pet. We have the latest equipment, mastered the newest surgical techniques, and high quality implants that offer the absolute best outcome possible for our patients. Dr. Pedraza is well versed in all surgeries and is even prepared for the unexpected.

CCL Repair Techniques


There are different surgical techniques to repair a cranial cruciate ligament (CCL). The technique selected depends on the breed, weight, age, severity of the injury and tibial bone construction. The goal of any surgery is to not repair the CCL itself regardless of the severity of the injury. Unlike humans, the CCL is simply not replaced but reconstructed by using one of the four techniques:

  • TPLO - Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy

  • TTA - Tibial Tuberosity Advancement

  • CBLO - Cora Based Leveling Osteotomy

  • Lateral Suture - Extracapsular Technique

“I have dedicated my career to performing life saving surgeries for all my patients. My ultimate goal is to provide comfort and clarity to my clients and to see each patient living their lives to the fullest after their injuries.”

– Dr. Pedraza

Dr. Pedraza with one of his many TPLO patients, Harley. Harley was diagnosed with a ruptured cruciate ligament and it was repaired by Dr. Pedraza. This photo was taken a few weeks after the procedure and Harley is walking and recovering very well.

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